Journalism Circles: Speed Networking with Journalism Experts
Wed, Mar 12, 2025
10:30 AM
11:30 AM
Conference Room
Winny de Jong, Denis Džidić, Jacopo Ottaviani, Tanja Stelzer, Cristian Lupșa, Hendrik Lehmann, Veronika Munk, Daria Badior, Lucila Rodriguez-Alarcón, Laura Ranca, Oleg Khomenok, Amber Macintyre, Şebnem Arsu, Sérgio B. Gomes, Ana Maria Salinas Bojaca, Juliette Garside, Gaby Khazalová, Nico Schmidt
By the European Press Prize Preparatory Committee and The Collaborative Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI)
The Preparatory Committee of the European Press Prize consists of a large number of renowned journalists, editors and other media professionals with experience in various journalistic fields, coming from a multitude of European countries. The PrepCom is responsible for assessing all submissions entered for the European Press Prize and for deciding on the Shortlist annually. The Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI) is a consortium of media organisations, which aims to promote high-quality, ethical and accountable journalism by advancing collaboration practices and nurturing the exchange of knowledge among media and journalists. By bringing these professionals together with a generation of young (upcoming) journalists, this speed networking styled session will explore the great ideas that can arise from experts and new voices collaborating.
Speed networking, participants can register for two different circles with corresponding experts based on areas of expertise. Start every circle with 5 minutes of participants diving into a practical exercise before starting the conversation with professionals in the circle.
Circles, division based on areas of expertise of corresponding experts:
Data Journalism: with Jacopo Ottaviani, Winny de Jong;
Storytelling: with Cristian Lupșa, Tanja Stelzer;
Innovative and Creative Formats: Hendrik Lehmann, Veronika Munk, Daria Badior, Lucila Rodríguez-Alarcón;
Investigative Methods and Company Investigations: with Oleg Khomenok, Denis Džidić and Laura Ranca from Tactical Tech/Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI)
Political Influence Investigations: with Amber Macintyre from Tactical Tech/Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI)
(Foreign) Reporting: Sebnem Arsu, Sérgio B. Gomes;
AI and Journalism: Nico Schmidt from Investigate Europe/Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI)
Collaboration Practices: with Juliette Garside, Gaby Khazalová & Ana Maria Salinas Bojaca from Tactical Tech/Collaborative and Investigative Journalism Initiative (CIJI)

Winny de Jong
Data journalist | NRC

Denis Džidić
Executive Director | Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jacopo Ottaviani
Chief Data Officer | Code for Africa

Tanja Stelzer
Journalist | DIE ZEIT | Member of the European Press Prize PrepCom

Cristian Lupșa
Chair of the Preparatory Committee | European Press Prize

Hendrik Lehmann
Head of Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab

Veronika Munk
Director of Innovation and New Markets | DenníkN

Daria Badior
Member of the Preparatory Committee | European Press Prize

Lucila Rodriguez-Alarcón
General director | porCausa foundation

Laura Ranca
Researcher | Tactical Tech

Oleg Khomenok
Senior Media Advisor | Internews Network

Amber Macintyre
Project Lead The Influence Industry Project | Tactical Tech

Şebnem Arsu
Correspondent / Der Spiegel

Sérgio B. Gomes
Editor | Público, Member of the European Press Prize PrepCom

Ana Maria Salinas Bojaca
Communications and Partnerships Manager | Tactical Tech

Juliette Garside
Deputy Investigations Editor | The Guardian, Member of the European Press Prize PrepCom
Gaby Khazalová

Nico Schmidt
AI Accountability Reporter, Investigate Europe