
Opening closed oysters: How we can get information


Sun, Sep 15, 2024


3:15 PM – 4:00 PM


Manka Heise, Dr. Manfred Redelfs, Annelie Naumann

Journalists and citizens often face similar problems when conducting research: Authorities stonewall, companies seal themselves off. In this session, we will show you how you can still get the pearl of information you need. We will discuss freedom of information rights that oblige authorities to provide information, as well as investigative research into the Tesla plant in Grünheide, which revealed environmental pollution and industrial accidents.


Manka Heise

Chefreporterin Investigativ | RTL Deutschland

Dr. Manfred Redelfs

Unit Head Research & Investigations | Greenpeace

Annelie Naumann

Journalist | Netzwerk Recherche/ZDF Magazin Royale

Photos: Andreas Friese | RTL, Greenpeace, Manuela Clemens
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